Consequently current prices of foreign currencies evaluated for instance in the US dollars fluctuate towards its higher and lower meanings. Using these fluctuations in accordance with a known principle “buy cheaper — sell higher” traders obtain gains.
Forex is different in compare to all other sectors of the world financial system thanks to his heightened sensibility to a large and continuously changing number of factors, accessibility to all individual and corporative traders, exclusively high trade turnover which creates an ensured liquidity of traded currencies and the round — the clock business hours which enable traders to deal after normal hours or during national holidays in their country finding markets abroad open.
Just as on any other market the trading on Forex, along with an exclusively high potential profitability, is essentially risk – bearing one. It is possible to gain a success on it only after a certain training including a familiarization with the structure and kinds of Forex, the principles of currencies price formation, the factors affecting prices alterations and trading risks levels, sources of the information necessary to account all those factors, techniques of the analysis and prediction of the market movements as well as with the trading tools and rules.
An important role in the process of the preparation for the trading on Forex belongs to the demotrading (that is to trade using a demo-account with some virtual money), which allows to testify all the theoretical knowledge and to obtain a required minimum of the trade experience not being subjected to a material damage.
Now, what to look for in an online Forex Firm:
1. Low Spreads.
In Forex Trading the ’spread’ is the difference between the buy and sell price of any given currency pair. The lower the spread saves the trader money. Most firms offer 4-5 pip spreads in the Major Currency pairs. The best firms offer clients 3-5 pips.
2. Low minimum account openings.
For those that are new to trading, and for those that don’t have thousands of dollars in risk capital to trade, being able to open a mini trading account with only $200 is a great feature for new traders.
3. Instant automatic execution of your orders.
This is very important when choosing a Forex firm. You want instant execution of your orders and the price you see and ‘click’ is the price that you should get. Don’t settle with a firm that re-quotes you when you click on a price or a firm that allows for price ’slippage’. This is very important when trading for small profits.
4. Free charting and technical analysis
You need a firm that gives you access to the best charting and technical analysis available to active traders. The firm that I recommend gives clients FREE professional charting services and even allows traders to trade directly on the charts!
5. High Leverage
You want high leverage — the ability to trade a large amount with a small margin deposit. Some of the best firms offer .25% or 400:1 leverage.
6. Hedging Capability
You want the flexibility of opening positions on the same currency pair in opposite directions without them eliminating each other and without margin increase!
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